New Client Registration Form

Welcome to PURE! We are delighted to welcome new clients and their beloved pets to our practice. To streamline your first visit, we have created a comprehensive New Client Registration Form. This form allows us to gather essential information about you, your pet, and your preferences, ensuring we provide the best possible care from the moment you walk through our doors.

Please take a few moments to fill out the form below with details such as your contact information, your pet’s medical history, and any special requirements or preferences you may have. By completing this form ahead, you’ll help us serve you more efficiently and make your experience with us as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Thank you for choosing PURE. We look forward to meeting you and your furry family member soon!

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Client Information:

Primary Contact Name
Home Address
We use text messages and email to communicate information about your pet. If you would like to opt out of these reminders, please indicate below.
Do you have a secondary contact?

Pet Information

In the event your pet has an immediate need for life saving measures

Authorize or decline CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
Please specify above: YES or NO, in the event your pet has an immediate need for life-saving measures.

Pet Medical History

Do you have a Primary Veterinary Practice or Hospital?
List of previous vaccines received, (e.g., rabies, distemper, etc.).
Is your pet on any current medication(s) or supplement(s)?
Does your pet have allergies or drug reactions?
Are there any current or past medical conditions of which we should be aware?

Referral Information

How did you find out about our practice?

Photo and Video Consent

Photograph and Video Release: There may be times we would like to share a photo of your pet with our social media sites (Including but not limited to our website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) Please indicate your wishes below: I hereby grant PURE permission to use my pet(s) photograph or video.
Terms and Conditions Acknowledgment:
Pet Urgent Response and Emergency - New Client Registration Form